Saturday, July 6, 2013


Dogs have been domesticated for 10,000 years.
There are over 200 different breeds of dogs
Canis Familiaris is the Latin name for dog.
The largest dogs among all breeds, at least in terms of height, is the Irish Wolfhound.
Nearly all but two breeds of dogs have pink tongues. The two exceptions? The Chow Chow and the Shar-pei, both with black tongues.
The Basenji is the only barkless dog in the world.
Dalmatian puppies are born pure white, with their spots developing as the mature.
The ancient Chinese royalty loved the Pekingese, carrying them tucked into the sleeves of their royal robes.
Greyhounds are no doubt fast. In fact, they can reach speeds of up to 45 miles per hour for short amounts of time.
Many dogs’ eyes reflect the color green in the dark, but some also reflect orange or red.
Laikia, a dog, was the world’s first ever space astronaut. She was sent into space in an artificial earth satellite in 1957 by the Russian government.
Survivors of the Titanic included two dogs: a Pekingese belonging to Henry Sleeper Harper and a Pomeranian belonging to Miss Margaret Hays.
The oldest known breed of dog is the Saluki, which is an Arabic word meaning noble one. These dogs were raised as hunting dogs by ancient Egyptians.
The oldest breed of dog native to North America is the Chihuahua.
Every minute, dogs take ten to thirty breaths.
The only mammals with prostates are humans and dogs.
There are 42 teeth in a dog’s mouth.
One of the very first animals domesticated by humans was the dog.
The oldest known dog lived to be 29.
The “spring” in Springer Spaniel referred to this dog’s ability to spring or startle game.
In Flemish, Schipperke translates to “Little Captain.”
The Lhasa Apso was used by monks to guard temples.

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